Invest in Spain

Invest in Spain

Solvency, competitiveness and growth potential are aspects and reasons to invest in Spain. Spain is a market that offers great business opportunities in expanding sectors: Environment, new technologies, automotive, aeronautics, pharmaceutical, sanitary, chemical, biotechnology, etc. As an example, Spain is the third most attractive European country to invest in the real estate sector.

Spain has a prominent place in the world regarding its economy, because in terms of GDP it is No. 14, in terms of investment attractiveness the 13th and, as for export, the 11th.

The recovery of consumer confidence and the increase in consumption in Europe seems to give investors the desire to invest.

Spain enjoys attractive business opportunities for foreign investors, either in strategic sectors with high added value, such as ICT, renewable energy, environment, among others, due to its attractive competitive environment.

Also, the foreign companies installed in Spain have incredible access potential, because not only do they have access to the national market of 46 million consumers with a high purchasing power, but they can also access the European markets, from the Middle East, of North Africa, as well as Latin American countries, due to its privileged geostrategic position, prestige and strong presence of Spanish companies in these territories.

In addition, Spain is today a very attractive destination for productive foreign investment. This claim is supported by the more than 21,000 million euros that foreign companies have invested in Spain. Foreign capital has been decisive in developing certain sectors of high economic value such as the automotive, biotechnology and agri-food sectors.



Plaça Francesc Macià 7, Plt. 17 - 08029 Barcelona (Spain)

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