The "GEISER" is a device composed of a cylindrical body, which has an inlet chamber at one end to introduce the waste into the device, and another outlet where materials are received. Inside the "GEISER", the waste is subjected to a steam bath of water at a temperature that can range between 120º C and 190º C.
The internal pressure can reach, depending on the case, up to 8 or 9 bar, which allows water vapor to penetrate inside the waste and break down the structure of organic formations, bones and other compositions such as paper and cardboard, unifying them in a single fraction of biomass.
The problem
Urban waste that is not collected selectively at source, that is, waste which is deposited in a traditional waste container, forms a very heterogeneous mass that is generally identified as Urban Waste.
The low efficiency of waste separation facilities is mainly due to the fact that the urban waste has a very heterogeneous morphology that prevents the correct functioning of the automatic separation systems, at the same time creating significant problems in maintenance.
The solution
GEISERBOX © represents a new concept in urban waste treatment. The great versatility, allows it to handle configurable facilities with capacities up to 600,000 tons of annual waste. Thanks to its work, conventional separation equipment materials have increased up to 90%.
Its adaptation in Mechanical-Biological plants, allows the rejection of these installations to be reduced from 60% to 10%, eliminating bad odours and reducing maintenance costs.
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If you want to know more about our ecological project on the treatment of urban waste GEISERBOX, fill out the information request form.